No Man's Sky Wiki

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The AGT Infrastructure Subsidiary Partnership is a collaborative initiative in No Man's Sky.

Summary[ | ]

The AGT Infrastructure Subsidiary Partnership (AISP) is an initiative conceived by the Alliance of Galactic Travellers, a civilisation in the No Man's Sky universe. It was developed to provide the AGT with a trusted partner network for their increasingly diverse infrastructure requirements.

The Conception of the AISP[ | ]

The arrival of the Atlas Rises era heralded new advances in exploration and migration, with travellers keen to embrace this new found ease and freedom to roam the galaxies. Many sought to join others of their kind and, as one of the oldest, largest and most respected civilisations, the AGT saw their numbers swell significantly.

The Atlas Rises era quickly became recognised as the AGT's golden age: the civilisation established their capital regions of Milland, Louyen, Kaoare and Tihtir Sector and the population in those areas grew exponentially in a short period of time. However, this brought obvious pressure on the governing racial authorities of those inhabited star systems within each region, primarily in terms of increased starship traffic, and a higher demand for trade goods, luxury items, and building materials. It also brought a significant increase in crime (specifically smuggling and piracy) in AGT-occupied regions which were now being viewed as soft targets for those earning their units illegally or by force.

It became apparent to the AGT's governing Steering Committee that action was required to lessen the impact on the governing authorities of those systems occupied by AGT travellers. Furthermore, a strong focus on colonisation and construction put severe pressure on the civilisation's resources and at the end of the Atlas Rises era, the AGT invited tenders from business entities and organisations interested in partnering exclusively with the civilisation to meet their procurement and infrastructure requirements.

Subsidiary Partnership Criteria[ | ]

  • All Subsidiary Partners must provide documented confirmation that they comply with the qualitative, fiscal, and ethical requirements stipulated in AISP Contractual Document 261.1.
  • All Subsidiary Partners must agree on an exclusive supply licence with the Alliance of Galactic Travellers (including the Travellers Federations groups) in any and all galaxies where the AGT have a recognised capital region presence.
  • All Subsidiary Partners are forbidden to engage with any other entities or civilisations without the express permission of the Alliance of Galactic Travellers.
  • The AGT agrees to approach other suppliers and parties only when it is clearly acknowledged that their requirement(s) are beyond the scope of products &/or services offered by an existing Subsidiary Partner.
  • Where a procurement or infrastructure requirement is identified in galaxies where the AGT do not have a recognised capital region presence, the AGT agree to reimburse reasonable expenses incurred for the temporary relocation of the Subsidiary Partners to the respective galaxy/region for completion of required works, together with all costs associated with their return upon contract completion.
  • Unless otherwise agreed, the AGT will not be liable for any costs related to the permanent migration &/or expansion of a Subsidiary Partners to any new galaxy.
  • As a reflection of the exclusive pricing structure enforced by AISP Contractual Document 261.1, the AGT commits to fund the research & development division of each Subsidiary Partner; the unit figure per contractual term to be agreed between both parties as appropriate.
  • Any party wishing to cancel this contract agrees to provide a formal notice period of 30 sols.

Current Infrastructure Subsidiary Partners[ | ]

Partner Name Specialities Contracts Completed
Sniira Industries Computerised Maintenance & Monitoring Systems Control room, Sendiherra Lighthouse, Budullangr
Lakelehaz Research Laboratories Power Generation Solar panelling, Hiverfell Sub-Orbital Station, Euclid.
Refracting lens-lamps, Sendiherra Lighthouse, Budullangr, Seer's Diamond
CELAB Galactic Industries Mass Scale Mining, Gas Extraction in PC Universe See CELAB Galactic Corporate Locations

Gallery of completed works[ | ]

Statement on Corporate Slavery Policies[ | ]

Introduction[ | ]

The AGT Galactic Slavery Act of AGT Stardate 3734.03.10 requires companies to state the actions they have taken during the most recent era on their company wiki page to ensure galactic slavery is not taking place in their operations and supply chains. The AGT is committed to preventing and eliminating acts of modern-day slavery and trafficking within our business and our supply chains for all races - Gek, Korvax, and the Vy'keen. This statement sets out the actions taken by AGT to prevent potential modern slavery risks related to our business and refers to actions and activities during the current era of the AISP. As part of Civilized space, the AGT recognises that it has a responsibility to take a robust approach to slavery and trafficking. We require all our company members to also comply with this statement.

Organisational Structure[ | ]

AGT is a intergalactic organization operating from its head office based at the following address: AGT Embassy HQ, on the planet AGT Nexus, in the AGT Embassy Star system of the Yihelli Quadrant.

We support nomadic travellers in 256 galaxies and work Intergalactic Travellers Foundations to coordinate across the known universe. We also partner with companies on infrastructure initiatives, and the United Federation of Travelers for political action coordination.

Policy on Modern Slavery[ | ]

We are committed to ensuring that there is no modern slavery or trafficking in any part of our operation, especially in corporate business membership. This policy reflects our commitment to acting ethically and with integrity in all our business relationships and to implementing and enforcing effective systems and controls to ensure slavery and trafficking is not taking place anywhere within our AGT activities. The company will require an organisation code that makes clear to employees of the actions and behaviour expected of them when representing the organisation.

Due Diligence Processes[ | ]

We consider ourselves to be a ‘low risk’ business with regards to slavery and trafficking because AGT itself is mainly nomadic travellers, however employees of our company members may coordinate in larger unknown pools of travellers. We foster a culture that encourages the identification and reporting of any such risks within our business. We expect companies to recruit all employees directly without any involvement of third party recruitment agencies. If temporary workers are required for short-term assignments, the companies should only uses specific, reputable employment agencies that are verified before accepting workers from that agency.

Where possible, companies must carry out due diligence with our supply chain and business partners with regards to slavery and trafficking.

Risk Assessment[ | ]

The organisation encourages all its workers, customers and other business partners to report any concerns related to direct activities, or the company’s supply chains to the organisation. We have a whistleblowing policy in place that helps to identify, assess and mitigate risk areas within our business. The organisation's whistleblowing procedure is designed to make it easy for workers to make disclosures, without fear of retaliation.

Effectiveness in Tackling Modern Slavery[ | ]

We have zero tolerance to slavery and trafficking. Where possible, we require our company business partners to ensure they have a slavery and trafficking policy in place and that they require the same from their suppliers.

Training[ | ]

All new joiners are required to undertake training about the company’s culture and values. During the induction process we cover this along with sharing the AGT policies and ensuring that all new joiners read and understand the key policies and our commitment to our company values and behaviour.

Additional Information[ | ]

Any individuals or companies interested in becoming an AGT Infrastructure Subsidiary Partner are should contact a member of the AGT Senior Leadership Team.
