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Avatar for Ddfairchildd

Your page, and that of the Cosmic Cooperative, were hacked earlier today and changed to redirects pointing to the Galactic Hub. I have reverted the changes and your page should be back to normal. Thanks.

Avatar for Intothedoor

Trolls will be trolls. The Federation had a little falling out with the CC leaving among a couple other groups. Technically they all left on their own accord... I'm too old to know but I assume they were all fueled by some sort of GHUB jealousy and an odd sense of what the Fed is really about. The next day many people's reddit and discord (I don't use discord) accounts were flooded by spam of some sort. It's rather weird really... and just as odd these 'spammers' would invoke the names of the Vestrogra Hub, MightyFox, Colorthrowers, FearFox, Galactic Glory. I have no idea what's got their goat... for lack of a cooler saying :) Thanks for keeping an eye on the joint, beware more BS may happen.

Avatar for Ddfairchildd

What I've been unable to figure out is why they picked on your page. :shrug: