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Avatar for Ddfairchildd

Per the icon change on Phase Beam (Atlas). Since this is an archived page of "what it was back then", I'd rather leave the icon at what it was when we archived the page. No problem changing the current Phase Beam page, but I'll back out the change to the Atlas Rises version. Thanks!

Later edit: OK, looks like you have been moving the old icon pages to new pages using the latest file name. I'm not sure this is the best solution. Couple of thoughts:

1) if we have an archived page (such as mentioned above), then we have lost the opportunity to truly see what the page looked like "back then" (since the file it was using no longer exists)

2) looking at the past history of a current page will no longer show us a true picture as again, the icon it used is no longer available under the original name.

The best option would be to simply add the new icon file to the wiki, and change the page that references it to use the new file. That way our history is maintained, while the latest-and-greatest is also available.


Avatar for Beerbelott

Redirect to a new page was needed here as it was JPEG -> PNG

I changed my way of doing things this wee-end, trying to leverage the "Upload a new version" option... Constantly improving y own process whenever I can :o)

Avatar for Beerbelott

I suggest the mentioned file to be effectively deleted and maybe repalced with a redirect to the new file if you really want to keep a reference to the old name somewhere... Which I am still to understand.

Avatar for Ddfairchildd

OK, here's what needs to happen.

1) if you are uploading better quality but retaining the name, just do the "upload a new version"

2) if the current file has an old/incorrect name, leave that file as-is. Upload your new file using the correct name, and change the current page to show the new name.

In either case, all you need to do is upload the new file. No file deletes, no redirects, no renaming needed.


Avatar for Beerbelott

OK that's itching my cleanup nerve, but I will follow this guideline. :oD

(Note I never had the ability to delete anything, though, merely *flagging* for deletion)

Avatar for Ddfairchildd

Correct - I should have specified "flag for deletion" <g>