No Man's Sky Wiki
Template-info Documentation

This template is used to define the ingredients and time needed to transform an/a set of item(s) using a Refiner and results in a list of formatted text.



Where <recipe>:

  • <ingredient>,<amount>;[...<ingredient>,<amount>;]<output>;<time_per_unit>[%<recipe_name>]

Separate multiple possible recipes with a pipe. E.g. Ferrite Dust,50;1;2|Pure Ferrite,20;2;3


Input(s) ingredient & corresponding amount pair needed, separated by a comma; At least one pair required
Output amount given associated input(s); Required
Time the machine takes per *output* unit produced; Required
'Requested Operation Mode' of the machine; Optional: will work if omitted, but please try adding for completeness


Refine x2: 2nd one names the recipe being used:

{{Refine|Iron,50;Aluminium,100;Cream,1;Ferrite Dust,1;3;4|Platinum,50;Aluminium,100;Cream,1;Ferrite Dust,1;5;6%Operation3}}

Refine can be refined using a Refiner with the following ingredients:

This template defines the table "PoC_Refining". View table.
