No Man's Sky Wiki
The subject of this article is from the Pathfinder update.
The information from this article is up-to-date as of 10 August, 2017.
NmsMisc NotAvailable
Galaxy Euclid
Region Hubbleraco
Star system Candelabra Cluster
Moon of Holomov XE17
Biome Lush - Temperate
Weather Temperate
Sentinels Passive
Flora Bountiful
Fauna Frequent
Claimed by Skaggerrak Refuge
Discovered by The300euros
Discovery platform PS4
Updated Pathfinder

Opimae is a moon.

Summary[ | ]

Opimae is a moon of the planet Holomov XE17 in the Candelabra Cluster system.

Lovely moon with good weather and a rich flora and fauna.

Alias names[ | ]

PS4 Current: Opimae

Location[ | ]

Waypoints[ | ]

Notable locations[ | ]

Efkairia Colony, the base of Templar-Captain Gamba (The300euros (PS4)).

Life[ | ]

Plant[ | ]

Animal[ | ]

Resources[ | ]

Lore[ | ]

This section is Fan Fiction. The information found here is not an actual part of the released game, but a user-invented addition to the wiki.

On Opimae, the Korvax and traveler crew of the Viatori established a base and a new home as the Efkairia Colony. Here the beleaguered Skaggerrak Separatists (Vy'keen rescued by Templar-Captain Gamba and his Korvax freighter commander the esteemed Admiral Bush) have settled and turned to the Albumen Pearl industry. Meanwhile, Gamba and Admiral Bush have made Efkairia Colony the center of a new trade and exploration federation. Sending a call to all nearby travelers to visit Efkairia Colony and negotiate a new world.
